teahouseblossom | |
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 ( 11:18 PM ) teahouse On the Edge What's the saying? That God doesn't give us more than we can handle? I'm definitely testing that theory these days. In the past couple of weeks I've: 1. Frantically packed up 2 apartments' worth of stuff to put into storage and move from the Fiance's place to mine, and been on the phone with a moving company and the management company of my building and his coordinating the move; 2. Run around town trying to get invitations, book blocks of rooms in hotels and finalize contracts for my wedding, which is less than 3 months away; 3. Been on the phone with my mortgage holder and mailed out tons of forms for my mortgage refinance; and 4. Quit my job. Yeah, it's a pretty hectic winter. I'm hanging on by a thread. # 0 comments Sunday, January 27, 2008 ( 11:15 PM ) teahouse Worshipping the Gods One night last week I was walking down the street when I passed a brightly-lit neighborhood restaurant that's known as a hangout for Wall Street and other professional types. As expected, I could see through the windows that the restaurant was packed with yuppies in suits. Right by the window where I passed, I saw a waitress set down two steaming plates of food in front of two well-dressed men sitting across from each other. I imagined it was a nice relaxing dinner for two buddies catching up after work. As I watched the waitress move away from the table, the two men bent their heads down in tandem, and clasped their hands to their laps. "Oh, wow.." I thought. "They're praying before their meal. How very beautiful." But as I looked more closely, I realized that both of them had portable wireless Blackberries clasped in their hands, and were actually checking their email messages, their heads hunched forward. When I rounded the corner away from the restaurant, and looked behind me a minute later, they were still suspended in those positions, and still hadn't touched their food. # 0 comments Wednesday, January 23, 2008 ( 10:17 PM ) teahouse ![]() It's so sad about Heath Ledger. He was such a talented actor on the rise. That he died so suddenly like that must be so devastating for his family. I'm trying not to jump to the media-incited conclusion that it was a drug overdose, just because he was a movie star. The headlines scream "Ledger found dead with a bottle of sleeping pills in his room!" Hell, I have a bottle of sleeping pills in my room. If I turn up dead, I hope people don't assume I overdosed. Thus, I'll refrain from passing judgment in the absence of autopsy results. But in the meantime, in honor of Australia, tonight I watched the Australian Open on tv, and had a glass of Yellow Tail Shiraz. I wanted to make a Vegemite sandwich, but alas, the local Food Emporium doesn't carry Vegemite. So I had to make do with bologna. And I sent an email to a cousin who lives in Sydney. He and his wife just had a baby. I hope that a dingo didn't eat it. I thought about trying to throw a telephone at somebody. But as I'm alone in my apartment tonight, there's really nobody here I can target. Besides, my home phone and cell phone are both pretty small, so I doubt they could do much damage to anyone. I'm sure they'd bounce off the heads of your average tough New Yorker.
0 comments Monday, January 21, 2008 ( 9:06 AM ) teahouse It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times Hey, everyone!! Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I haven't posted in a while, but yes, I'm still alive. It's just that a LOT has been going on. I'll report more details over the next week. Between the moving and the running around, I've barely had time to breathe and process all that's been happening. I have been watching a lot of sports on tv, though. New York has been doing ok for itself this month. The New York Rangers are not doing so well. But the New York Giants are doing quite well - in fact, they're the NFC champions, and now on their way to the Superbowl! Woohoo. See, I'm not a total girl... So what are everyone's plans for the Superbowl? # 0 comments Monday, January 14, 2008 ( 12:01 AM ) teahouse ![]() The Fiance and I spent the whole weekend packing up his apartment and cleaning and throwing out stuff, so he can move out of it and into my place. On Saturday night I stayed in and cleaned and packed while he went out for a couple of hours to run errands. Titanic was on tv. I hadn't seen that movie since it came out in the theater in 1997. To my surprise, I found myself getting really into it. I mean, I saw it ten years ago, so I knew how it ended. But I was still strangely riveted. When the Fiance got home, I was just watching the end of the movie. And bawling. "The ship sank," I sobbed. "And Leo died! Wahhhhh!!!!" He glanced at the tv screen and shrugged. "Well," he said sagely, "Her heart will go on." # 0 comments Thursday, January 10, 2008 ( 12:11 AM ) teahouse Rumble Rumble The screech is loud and unrelenting, the worries of the day melting past. The doors rattle loudly. Train shoots through the tunnel, gathering speed. The view from the windows is pitch black. Under the river, hurtling forward. The girls with large permed hair and matching bare midriffs smack gum and talk loudly. Excited and ready to party, they stand in the aisle and crowd the exit, ready to jump through the doors as soon as they open. Doing so betrays their inexperience. The regular riders know there's a long wait before the signal engages and the destination lurches out of the mouth of the tunnel to meet the train. Doors slide open. A dark platform, grimy walls, concrete stairs leading up to another tunnel, and another train, another destination. Another jumpy ride. A familiar platform, a homeless man sings, brakes screech loudly. Up the steep stairs, the sky yawns open to reveal twinkling stars, bright lights, tall buildings. Arch the back, throw up the mittened hands, breathe in the cool night air. Murmurs as others scurry by, muffled and bundled against the cold. The smells of roasting peanuts, car exhaust, the hot dog cart, the snow melting, the taxis honking. Home. # 0 comments Saturday, January 05, 2008 ( 3:31 PM ) teahouse Dreams I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed that my parents got me this as a Christmas present. Huh? As I am not expecting a baby, or planning on expecting a baby anytime soon, I interpreted the dream this way: since it was a jogging stroller, it means that with my busy schedule I have not been running much, and I feel guilty about it. So tomorrow morning I'm getting up bright and early and going to Central Park. That should take care of that dream. # 0 comments Tuesday, January 01, 2008 ( 4:53 PM ) teahouse Winter Cleaning Happy 2008 to everyone! 2008 promises to be a good year for me. It will be the year of my wedding, and of new beginnings. I'm really looking forward to it. The Fiance and I spent most of the last two weeks, the end of 2007, getting ready to, as the old-fashioned term goes, set up housekeeping together in anticipation of our marriage and consolidating our households. Yes, in the olden days, a gentleman would often propose to a lady by saying, "Shall we set up housekeeping together?" I think that setting up housekeeping has something to do with buying a blender and some tableware, and maybe some extra sheets and towels. In my case, setting up housekeeping has involved the following: 1. Cleaning out my closets and sweeping up a bunch of dust and a dead mouse; 2. Reorganizing my bookshelves and packing up 4 huge boxes of books and unused stationery to put into storage; 3. Throwing out a decade worth of old clothes to make room for the Fiance's things; 4. Donating 28 pairs of shoes to charity (yes, 28!! That's not a typo!) 5. Watching lots of episodes of Clean House for inspiration; and 6. Being dragged away from the tv by the Fiance, who keeps muttering something about how I should be cleaning my home instead of sitting on the couch doing nothing while watching people on tv clean their homes. I'm happy to report that things are well on their way to blissful marital cohabitation. Well, after I get rid of that sinkful of dirty dishes. # 0 comments |