( 5:46 PM ) teahouse
China...All the Way to New York...
Hey guys, I'm back! After a grueling 14-hour flight from Beijing, via Tokyo to JFK, I'm back in my comfy little apartment on the East Side of Manhattan.
Whew, it was a fun trip. I'll have to figure out how to post photos on this blog so I can show you all. I took a ton of them.
And let me just say that the Great Wall and the Terra Cotta Warriors are so amazing. You can't imagine how incredible they are until you've seen them in person!
Ok, I feel the onset of jet lag. I'm going to have to go lie down for a minute now...
( 11:56 PM ) teahouse
Marco Polo!!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I had my last day at work. It was bittersweet.
I'll soon be heading off for my fabulous vacation. I know I haven't revealed much about it, but I'm going to this ancient country. I'm sooo excited! I've never been there before. It'll be a huge adventure.
I'm visiting my best friend from high school. She works at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. We're going to travel around, do all of the touristy things and generally enjoy hanging out together.
I'll be back at the end of the month; until then everyone have fun! If I get a chance, I'll post while I'm there.
( 10:11 PM ) teahouse
Pack Rat
I'm leaving this job on Thursday. For the past week, I've been trying to clean out my office while simultaneously finishing up all of my projects at work. It's slowly driving me crazy.
Tonight I had to haul personal stuff from the office home through the snow and rain and slush. NO FUN.
I'm a complete pack rat. While cleaning out my desk, I came across 4 boxes of tampons, 2 smelly candles, 20 half-used legal pads, about 100 pens and an old, unopened bottle of wine.
I considered drinking it, getting nice and toasted, yelling "Screw you all!" in the hall and running screaming out of the office.
Instead, I left it in the ladies' restroom. I'm sure there's someone who needs it more than I do.
( 11:04 AM ) teahouse
Yo Dudes
Ok, so here's the deal. Someone (well several someone's) at work discovered my blog. So I'm starting over. I'm pretty html illiterate, so I'm using the same template as before, but with a different site. And from now on, I'm posting only from home. More details to follow...
( 11:01 AM ) teahouse