Time Flies
Hard to believe the Little One is already 4 months old!
It seems like only yesterday he was a wee little premature thing. And now he's graduated beyond the newborn diapers!
And look at all of that hair! Yes, he was born with a mullet - party in the front and back.
I'll be going back to work in not too long. I've worked out a part-time arrangement. We'll see if it ends up being totally rewarding or totally non-juggle-able and disastrous.
I'm embarking on the world of working motherhood. Anyone have any pearls of wisdom to share on juggling it all?
Labels: baby, parenthood, work
Big Brother is Watching
Yesterday we got an
L.L. Bean catalog in the mail.
Nothing unusual about that. Except that it was addressed to our four month old son.
WTF? Is there a mole in the Social Security Administration?
I think we should be very, very scared...
Labels: baby, parenthood